Memorial Trust History (1991-2020)
April 28, 2020
... Realist Formalism 56207 D 38 - Von Stillfried U of Trier Complementarity of Physics & Consciousness 56209 D 46 - Science Writer's read more...
Author: Tom Beaver
discussion, similar group, line, program portfolio, great spiritual insights, memorial service, photos, relationship between individual spiritual, video, major events
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spirit, huge success story, measures, term, postmodernism, concept, spiritual symbolical, Dean, group, death including, March board, things, course, expire, Feb, Revocable Trust, spiritual identity debate, State Courts, core kind, first half, Memorial Trust Board, Planning, three years, bout, spent, long memo, app, stated, project, priority, Redwood, March response, minutes, Trustees, highest value, integration, addition video recordings, lot, conditions, memo Tom, survey, reality, Seasons, similar concern regarding, Fund, later life, also stated, Decade, Selections, first time, Sixth Michigan Circuit, participants, mystical roots, days, purchased, lifelong, death, board, Memorial Trust, core legacy, scientists, Mike Gergely, transformational effects, drumming, social movements, system, power, Law, major fiveyear commitment, Jan Walleczek Bruce Fetzer, statement later quoted, long, Heart Math center, memo, last minute, JEF, year program, dialogues, Noetic Science IONS, little, shortly, Director, Memorial Trustee, Michigan Supreme, third outside, Memorial Trust board meetings, life, Hal, number, whom, Institute actually, Redwood City Calif, Several, unique role, Canadian building, others, external successes, much detail, superior investment, copies, documents, Lehman era, sudden appearance, Bob Boisture counsel, Spiritual, November Institute Board, bankruptcy, Law Center, permission, people, Legal Counsel, stream, Institute Board Bruce Carlson, current benefits, Beach Era, attorney, major impetus, science advisors, controlling stress anxiety, words, cochair, July, way institutionalize, Sixth Circuit, meditation journaling, two consecutive years, views, Spiritualism, ten different locations, teacher, potential opportunities including, John Fetzer Archives, wisdom, Appendix BF, CEO, moreover, spiritual philosophy, slate, sense, US government, later, joint Trustee, robust, ideas, program build fields, key importance, truth, additional unit, wonderful phrase, loving action, strategy, neurological signatures, Institute corpus, creation, arm, material, PNAS, Light Ministries Financial data, use, threeyear relationship, ventures, receiving, vehicle, heavy, Larry, cancer, intensive, contrast hundreds, Jacob Needleman, NDE December, brief, legacy plan, Hiddenvariable Theory, Ashville goals, next couple, issue, later written, percent, Professor Brian, kind, commitment, EmQm, benefits, global dynamic, present, Porter, Fetzer Franklin science program, website, practices opinions, weeklong, Institute Trustees, mystical, several iterations, Appendix Donor, four hundred files, facility, year greater forever, study, program structure, idea, Retreat, donor intent, active operation, ILM Trust, search quickly, esoteric, bonus Tom, investigation, sort, whole, two boards, goal, matter Mike Gergely Memorial, permanently, statements, vibrant proactive joint committee, Albanese book, twoday joint retreat, influence, John Fetzer, estate, publication, Institute elect, nearsleepmeditation, program biologist Jan, Appendix FINAL, additional ten years, Global, Jan Walleczek, judges, spirituallyfocused biography, lawyers, Professor Wilson Western Michigan University, final seven years, foundational questions, new impulse, spiritual intent, inner practices, Bob, Fetzer Franklin program, projects, several, turn, Institute Trusteeatthetime Winston Franklin, Fetzer Advisory Committees FACS, example provide, love, year, Memorial Trustto, concepts, tenure, mil, title, internationally acclaimed business college, action, docket, important, view, arrogant, matters, member Larry, passing, Institute, Tucson Ranch, Judy, sold, retreat, fMRI brain, real, initiatives, specifically credits, decision, different kind, absolute discretion, billions, surprise, FetzerFranklin Science Program, Robert, Fetzer science, philanthropic organizations, operating, BSE engineering, work supports, Memorial Trust funds, Law program, colleagues, plan, nonprofit foundations, legacy, general, latter part, memorial, different set, attract outside interest, book Albanese wrote, Collaboration Agreement, able, Fetzer Franklin Fund, gifts, example dynamic legacy programs, global, September FetzerFranklin, end Bamford, team worked, fMRI data, science projects, family, Phil Mason, Seventh Day Adventism, grants, complementary culture, Physics Reviews Letters, Course, pictures, proto life, difficult, wishes, brain activation, Franklin, various positions, comments, script, dualistic vision, Arthur Zajonc, spent many years, Memo, Fetzer Institute Vice President, Plan, current research, Seasons Janis Claflin Institute Trustee, major finding, science, Professor Numbers University, major accomplishment, Jeremy Waletsky Janis, togetherness, Tom Beaver stated, bridge, Purpose, planet, result, Great Invocation, public, couple, spiritual worldview, Janis Claflin, FetzerFranklin Fund, behest, multisite reproducibility, law, healthy individuals, Peter, Janis, sides, best practices, began, Professor Katherine Albanese, section below, top five symposium downloads, Scholar, resolution lay, Tucson, start, ILM President, feature documentary, way, years, Discussion Framework, Trusts, Legacy Initiatives, continuity, June Board, subject, probe, outreach initiatives, FetzerFranklin science fund, personal library, Fetzer mission, due, video oral histories, Wink lived, esoteric purposes, organisms live, vital sections, grant, confidence, organizational form, IONS three times, ways, external audiences, Trust history, letter, September, Winston, open exploration, legacy initiatives, library, Chief Justice, Memorial Trustees elected Bruce, Han ducts, joint resolution, anxiety, Edgar, true dimensions, third circulatory system, artificial intelligence, Tom Inuis dismissal, bad news, inception, Secretary, offered, meetings, sole beneficiary, compounded, Joint Trustees, March Trust, word, new spiritual story, spiritual journey closely, world anything, First Decade, Inuis, birthday, July interview, discretion, Fetzer Fellows program, meeting June, deep engagement, closer, core, lifelong spiritual journey, conventional, Tucson Arizona Fetzer Ranch, around Trust goals, Wizard, Physics, Archangel Michael, successful longterm, document, fullhearted, largely new sixmember Board, Theosophical Society, trustees, threemember team, Trust personnel, meetings earlyon, time period, approx, beginning, Stan Grof, determine, adroit John, Global Gathering, Memorial Trust however, feedback, SkutchWhitson, return Inner Light Ministries relinquished, community, months, beings, time, integrated, sessions led, Center, Materials, account shall, Malik, version, Miracles, replicate inner practice routines, series, synthesis paper, Tom Beaver, lifelong diehard Detroit Tigers baseball fan Louis Leeburg BA accounting, history Bruce Fetzer, November John, program separate, Institute science team December, science including scientific methodologies, business, Inner Peace publisher, facilitated, good effort, internationally focused Global Gathering, second board, channeled messages, science team, joint InstituteTrust Legacy Committee, scientific methodologies, distribution, One, NDE, Monroe research, American, provisions, question, February Tom Beaver, awareness, Mission Statement, physicist philosopher, implications, archives, Rob Lehman, Shamatha, common understanding, Identity, statement, Florida apartments, collective audience, Stillheart, excellent, respective Trust documents, future generations, Integrative Restoration January, materials, Discusson, Purpose Preservation, point, payout, time John, Larry Sullivan era, voluntary teacher, millions, Institute President Rob, ongoing operation, best, connection between, basic knowledge, comprised, facilities, birth, Norm Shealy, Johnson Center, Secondly clones, October EmQM symposium, lawsuit, chronological entries, between, material Beaver, upon John, spiritual legacy, Robert Lehman, embody, future, CytoViva microscope systems, absolute, papers appeared, legacy work, interest, Seasons Retreat Center, Eckankar, Finance, science publications, amount, path photons, significant, blood, spiritual, cooperation, Sections, March whereupon, October Tom Inui, report, June, legacy outreach plan, Wilson later, American Metaphysical, four research collaborators, source documents, quotes, invitational workshop, physicists, environment, Legacy, new, Trust board, Potential, Institute President John, Trustee wrote, remarkable team, trust, introduction, Jan, identity, ten years, human consciousness, million excess return, timespecific focal point, Bruce Fetzer Mike, program conceptual framework, Fetzer biography, Cultural History, confusion, much, Note, writings, Fetzersponsored science, collections, astonishing multiple, interim presidency David Slueter, biographical essay, Pamphlet, inner probing exploration reflection, new Trustees, Tuesday, author, legacy project, unique tension, part, perpetuity ability, pamphlet, decisions, fourplus years, larger spiritual universal, findings, teenage, rigorous replication, Freemasonry, Spiritual Seekers, New Age, Judy SkutchWhitson, FACS President Larry Sullivan, robust part, current Institute, venue, Sausalito California Memorial, Inui, meantime, nonprescriptive approach, Public, Fetzer Institute Board, Yoga Nidra, NASA Houston, Oral History, Jim Gordon, bibliography, financially disadvantageous, Santa Cruz, Grof, finance, whether, Leeburg, Institute President Tom Beach ILM, holistic health movement, three program, highly, particulars, Resolution, excise, Institute VP, funds, dialogue, month, creates, estate taxation, America, profitably, consecration, pleomorphism, first, three reasons, end due, partners, Freedom, science constituted, concerns, establishing, individuals, Monroe Institute, December ending, live audience, work, synergy, organizational model, implicate order, Institute Trustee, ready, another responsibility, Consequently Jan, hundreds, themselves, Former, preparation, strategic partnerships, order, biography, Institute Board, Memorial Trust Finances, MA education, mark, Themes, exploration pioneering research, searching, board met, Notre Dame School, avoid millions, past, Foundation, Programs, multiple copies may reduce, much science, formally, June Tom Beaver, chronological order, holdings, wellknown book, focus, November, report favorable, interesting thing, risk, organizational culture, inquiry, twoday meditation workshop, Southampton, clinical background, twenty years, Adventist, funding, incorporated, staffers, least million, designated, Quest Books, joint, inspirational, open source software, modest, occur, several thousand, Vodyanoy, foundations, participated, implemented, Part, Bamford Editor, Substantial numbers, fellow Memorial Trustees, February, first two, hundred attendees, Foundation Institute, Jimyo, Questions, twoday workshop, scientific knowledge, host copies, meetings Jim Gordon, restore function, Carolyn Dailey Leeburg, one day, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Wink Franklin Rob Lehman, sole beneficially, areas, voluminous amount, spiritual education, follows Spiritual identity John, balances, Vero Beach, Cultivating Emotional Balance, governance, Fund supports work, two years, whole reflected, eras, persons several, spoke informally, wholegroup interview, enthusiastic, Tom Beaver Bruce Fetzer Memorial Trust Histories, Extension, Steiner Books, copy, task, minimum, science effort, Trustee shall, creative way, Board, Revocable, Stillheart Retreat Center, possible forecast, Vodyanoy previously, sessions, June Colleen Elgin interviewed Rob Lehman, premier, Richard Davidson, three, moving, Future, spoke, seventeen years, upon approach, real estate property, Assisi Italy, Franklin Science, University, tool, frontiers, Mike, Common, selections, Trust endowment, role, December, staff, Fetzer Community, indepth review, John, Kalamazoo County Drug Treatment, scientific context, current status, new Institute, follows Future membership, Wayne State, multiple times, clinic, Trust Retreat, contemplative practice, Institute President Tom Beech, World Law Institute, dissemination, Executive Vice President, Tuesday evenings, onward broadened, papers presentations, healers, activities, effort, background, April Richard Miller, particular interest, experience, follows Purpose, causal closure, general outline, researchers, notion, Cayce, workshop, leadership, private real estate, esoteric component, Inner Light Ministries whose president, evidence, portfolios, experiment, sale, amazing, interviewees, CA Decline Effect Symposium, surat shabd practice, Agreement states, dialog between Memorial Trustees, inner, film, committee, Memorial Trust shall, elements, served, memo offered four fundamental questions, process additionally, Richard Smoley, topic, identify anatomical, greater, Archangel, Author Category, portal, Spiritual Search, Jimyo Ferworn Excess financial, advance breakthroughs towards, retrospect, Barbara author, transformation, Scientific, Maharishi, joint Institute Trustee Memorial, organization, sustainable, Dean Link, Barbara, John Peterson, million, legacy institutions, permanent trustees, sole, accomplishments, missing component, association, donor intent p extension, addition, world Financial, Appendix Highlights, Eastern, didnt, full presentation, program, Night Group, first twenty years, preserve, period, twoday experiential workshop, laboratory science, owed, ILM Trust Trustees, Memorial Trust History Page, conjunction, mini, extension, several Trust, selection, Institute President, Mandel Fetzer Franklin, infact extended comments, Engagement, Data, longtime interest, expiration, executive team around principles, Activities Projects Two major areas, Adventism, built, Bruce Fetzer, ILM, particular, Fetzer Stories, RL memo, revocable trust, Kit, call, resolution, larger, research, fund balance, multiday, Frances, topics, subsequently, Specific goals, Edgar Cayce Foundation, participants themselves, purpose, Larry Sullivan Era, numerous key texts, internal, Prof, Another effort, account, repeat, draft, meditators, body travel, Winston Franklin, Outreach, term began, operation, Mostall, Scientific programs, notions, Robert Rosenthal MD, incorporate tax, value, content, original million, Grand Rapids MI Masonic Museum film, argument, legacy checks, pleomorphism idea, phrase silent carriers, journey, Global Gathering event February, Multi Lab Study, relaunch, collection, Raymond, spirituality, legacy partner, overhead Postscript, spiritual development, memory, situation, pneumonia, broad reason, John quickly struck, religious stream, iRest Yoga Nidra meditation, bringing, possible, hard, Appendix Legacy Committee, three projects, century, President, AIC, outer, interviews, end, complete ILM, hypothesis, Charitable, ambassadors, Olds, possible John Fetzer biography, full RL memo Appendix, open, Fetzer Inner Light Ministries, Strategic, investment, universe, law firm, Chris Bamford Editor, IONS, hand, measure heart rate coherence, became irrevocable, portal frame, Philanthropy, importance, several levels, potential, Appendix, prioritize, strongly, FetzerFranklin program, another CD, Vaughan, develop projects, transformation plus, Purpose Statement, January Jim, became Anthroposophy somewhat limited, Trustee deems appropriate, twoday experiential Centering Prayer workshop, Death, case, intersection, Multiple partners became resources, types, inquire, emergent view, time period Another joint TrustInstitute effort, Buddhist Priest, several miniworkshops, David, feel, numerous programs, struggle, degree, Walach, oral histories commissioned essays trustee, History Overview, wholeness, Bruce spoke, Trust interviewed, Numbers, Tom, May, Bohm, brilliant idea, Consciousness Studies work, relationship, Brewer Extension Meditation Neurofeedback, scientific subjects, onward, existence, FetzerFranklin, John Fetzers Original Donor intent, relationship faded plus, president science, esoteric mystical, essentially, Trustee, follows, Fetzers, nothing, depths, intentionally destroyed, halfday experience, Quest, Ashville, infancy, Wisconsin, real estate property partnerships, Mandel FetzerFranklin science advisor, Rev Cynthia Bourgeault, renew Tom, Fetzer baseball, subsequently contracted, essay, brand new Fetzer Institute Administration, MEMORANDUM, late Jim, Science, four members, American history, expert, became, external decentralized communities, five Trustees, Science Spirituality Individual, raised questions, shown, report presentation, following areas Relational Reality, organizations, took place, Fetzer integrated vision, College, fosters greater experience, decadeslong science effort, NIMH, intent, investment portfolio, cultural training programs, shabd, key question, core legacy outreach program helped partners, outside agencies, Bong Han ducts, spiritual dialogue, trust estate, presentation, HeartMath, probably, philosophy, Information, Beaver, Fetzer Franklin, freedom, Phillip Mason, Fetzer Inner Light Ministries Trust, Memorial Trust History September present, spiritual communities, Legacy Outreach, narrower focus, legacy effort, Spiritual Trends, members, book, Executive, Trust Jeremy Waletzky, consciousness, dynamism, high impact science journals, interconnection between science, engage, minimum payout, cash payout, self, accountability potentially contribute, light, Bylaws, History, Gordon, successful science initiatives, separate, Spirit, key, Institute board, otherwise, accounting masters, interplanetary space, assumption, physics, direct, oral historian, financial, grapple, corpus, Paul, representation, experiential process, purposes, story, Nature, Maura Corrigan, seekers, powers, Two participants received, awardwinning publication chronicles John, library tool, lab, two joint meetings, archivist specializing, theory, advance, Treasurer, possibly, summer, overriding philosophical, principle, Institute Memorial Trust January, September Fetzer Franklin Science, nanobacteria concepts, proceeds, beautifully boldness courage intelligent risktaking humility, spiritual mission John, Republic, Cambridge, David Bohm, led, world, combined endowment, Metaphysical, Agreement, Fetzer Institute, degrees, Tom Murray, vision, Tom Inui, principal, content navigation, Florida Toronto, minds, rights, breakthroughs, Presentations, late Tom Beaver, Bruce, team, Alan, Leeburg Mike, Mason interviewed, Pioneer grant, Trust present Direct, Dean Radin, implementing, director, five, Chief, nonspecific, Memorial Trustees, felt, leaders, selfawareness, Inner Light Ministries, longstanding, essential writings, spiritual journey, discussions between, position, Fetzer Franklin Fund focuses, November Board, Mayo Clinic, NIS Labs Pleomorphic Microbes, connect, spiritual vision, dipping, reconsider fundamental questions, four, Institute employee, unique personal, Jeremy Waletzky, Rob Lehman James Gordon President, uninterrupted, Age, Imagine, Ideas, Trier Complementarity, Hossenfelder Franfurt, fact, excellent job, Beaver eventually, interactions, IONS board, process, Michigan Center, Fetzer Institute Board John, Fetzer Memorial Trust, process culminated, practice sessions, presented, Fetzer Trustees, component Convene, Original v Reformed Trust copy incl purpose, Michigan, regard, six legacy partner organizations, Preamble, upon, closing, beyond, Beech, Fetzer Memorial, Trust Robert Lehman JD, Univers, David Lynch Foundation USA instructor, Fund namely, Tom Inui Era, Strat, display, Trustee Interview Projects, possibility, assistance, Dr Vitaly Vodyanoy, Larry Sullivan, Fetzer Create video, joint board retreat, Stillheart Retreat Center near Santa, digital, Committee, million dollars, less attention focused, established, responsible, million excess return Skillful endowment, brand new, John Fetzer thirdyear Trustees Janis, Trust portfolio, breadth, four finalists, envisioning freedom, Force Information, employees, Key documents, original John, programs, teambuilding, attendance, overlapping membership, March, Trust, peer reviewed publications, Harald Walach, audit, whose beneficiary, Partnership Addendum, consolidated, attention, facilitate better, facilitator, Mission, Rob, philosophicallydriven organization, Boisture, presentations, MT discussion framework input, relationships first, brain processes, endowment, proposed, serious issues, appreciate, seven board members, inner life, jousting, projects outside, Esoteric Purpose workshop, duties, known John, discernment, Fetzer, Fetzer Memorial Trust History Page, third symposium, Statements, Constituent Cell Consciousness, concern, Pros, sections, residual, One large entrepreneur, interpretations, December Rob Lehman, develop processes, Arlington Institute, program budget, mission, Stanford, Western Michigan University, One participant, Joint Committee, advisors, comprehensive bibliography, million representing half, Trust Cost, Nieuwenhuizen Doct, Memorial, interconnectedness between science, New, relational views, develop, technology, Legacy activities, formation, Drs, new light microscope technology, Harner, spreadsheet, Fetzer Foundation, worth, assets originally included John, including, reportsection, rules, Appendix BHLIB, Physics Consciousness, respect, referencing, emergence, line ii Gerhard Groessing, motivation, laboratory, search, late, envision, Lehman, Informally, Voice, Korean, assets originally, state, University Enterprises Relational Realist Formalism, Magneto Encephalograph MEG laboratory, aside ourselves, earlier, Sacred Founding Principles, John Fetzer directly, theme, Gergely Beaver Fetzer, additional, socalled Monday Night Group, independent, esoteric principles, Professor Jacob Needleman San Francisco State University, facilitated another twoday experiential workshop consisting, capacities, beneficiary, excise tax savings, Beach, current term, Fetzer Boards began, Boards giving, Document, former, act, continual, working, discussions, Chairman, unincorporated, proprietary financial model, many materials, Von, recently, Lehmanled Institute efforts, context, move, articulate, legacy dynamically, talk, difference, successor, essence, planning, million larger, videos, legally, radio, appear, FAC meetings, collectively
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Trust Histories
Memorial Trust History
April 28, 2020
... Realist Formalism 56207 D 38 - Von Stillfried U of Trier Complementarity of Physics & Consciousness 56209 D 46 - Science Writer's read more...
Author: Tom Beaver, Bruce Fetzer
discussion, similar group, line, program portfolio, great spiritual insights, memorial service, photos, relationship between individual spiritual, video, major events
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spirit, huge success story, measures, postmodernism, concept, spiritual symbolical, Dean, term, group, death including, March board, things, Freedom, course, Feb, Revocable Trust, spiritual identity debate, State Courts, also stated, joint resolution, core kind, first half, Planning, three years, spent, bout, long memo, app, stated, project, follows Future membership, Redwood, priority, March response, minutes, Trustees, highest value, integration, addition video recordings, lot, conditions, memo Tom, survey, phrase silent carriers, Seasons, similar concern regarding, later life, Fund, Selections, first time, Sixth Michigan Circuit, participants, mystical roots, Residence, days, purchased, lifelong, death, board, Memorial Trust, core legacy, scientists, Mike Gergely, sudden appearance, transformational effects, drumming, social movements, system, power, Law, major fiveyear commitment, statement later quoted, Jan Walleczek Bruce Fetzer, long, memo, Heart Math center, last minute, dialogues, area, Noetic Science IONS, little, shortly, Director, Memorial Trustee, Michigan Supreme, third outside, Memorial Trust board meetings, life, Hal, number, superior investment, whom, Institute actually, Redwood City Calif, unique role, Canadian building, others, external successes, much detail, five Trustees, copies, documents, Lehman era, Bob Boisture counsel, November Institute Board, bankruptcy, Law Center, permission, people, Legal Counsel, finance, many words, protocols, Institute Board Bruce Carlson, current benefits, David, Beach Era, attorney, major impetus, science advisors, controlling stress anxiety, words, cochair, July, way institutionalize, Sixth Circuit, meditation journaling, two consecutive years, intensive, views, ten different locations, potential opportunities including, Appendix BF, John Fetzer Archives, wisdom, compelling ways, spiritual philosophy, CEO, moreover, slate, sense, US government, later, joint Trustee, Contemplative, ideas, program build fields, key importance, truth, additional unit, loving action, neurological signatures, Institute corpus, creation, arm, material, robust, unique tension, use, threeyear relationship, brain processes, Spirit, vehicle, contrast hundreds, Larry, cancer, leaders, Jacob Needleman, NDE December, final seven years, brief, Memorial Trust Board, Ashville goals, next couple, issue, later written, Appendix Donor, percent, Professor Brian, kind, commitment, long term, EmQm, benefits, Institute Trustees, Fetzer Franklin science program, practices opinions, weeklong, Several, website, interconnection between science, mystical, several iterations, four hundred files, facility, year greater forever, study, idea, Retreat, donor intent, ILM Trust, search quickly, esoteric, bonus Tom, sort, two boards, goal, matter Mike Gergely Memorial, permanently, time John, vibrant proactive joint committee, Albanese book, twoday joint retreat, joint committees, potential contribution, influence, John Fetzer, estate, publication, Institute elect, nearsleepmeditation, program biologist Jan, Appendix FINAL, additional ten years, Global, Jan Walleczek, judges, lawyers, Professor Wilson Western Michigan University, foundational questions, new impulse, inner practices, Bob, Fetzer Franklin program, projects, turn, Institute Trusteeatthetime Winston Franklin, Fetzer Advisory Committees FACS, example provide, love, year, Memorial Trustto, concepts, Mirabai, tenure, mil, title, internationally acclaimed business college, action, docket, view, arrogant, matters, member Larry, Freemasonry, passing, February Sausalito jointmeeting spoke, billions, Future, Institute, potentially contribute, Tucson Ranch, physicist philosopher, Judy, retreat, team worked, fMRI brain, real, initiatives, specifically credits, eloquent statement, decision, different kind, absolute discretion, surprise, FetzerFranklin Science Program, Robert, Fetzer science, philanthropic organizations, operating, BSE engineering, work supports, Memorial Trust funds, Law program, types, colleagues, plan, nonprofit foundations, legacy, general, latter part, memorial, different set, attract outside interest, book Albanese wrote, Collaboration Agreement, able, Fetzer Franklin Fund, gifts, example dynamic legacy programs, global, September FetzerFranklin, end Bamford, fMRI data, science projects, family, Phil Mason, link, Society, grants, complementary culture, pictures, proto life, difficult, wishes, brain activation, Franklin, various positions, comments, Arthur Zajonc, script, Memo, spent many years, Fetzer Institute Vice President, Plan, current research, Seasons Janis Claflin Institute Trustee, major finding, Professor Numbers University, statements, major accomplishment, Jeremy Waletsky Janis, science, togetherness, Tom Beaver stated, result, bridge, planet, Professor Katherine Albanese, Great Invocation, public, Scholar, couple, spiritual worldview, Janis Claflin, FetzerFranklin Fund, behest, September Fetzer Franklin Science, multisite reproducibility, blood, law, Peter, sides, best practices, began, section below, top five symposium downloads, resolution lay, Tucson, start, ILM President, feature documentary, way, years, Discussion Framework, Trusts, Legacy Initiatives, continuity, June Board, subject, probe, outreach initiatives, whole, FetzerFranklin science fund, personal library, Fetzer mission, due, video oral histories, Wink lived, esoteric purposes, vital sections, grant, confidence, organizational form, IONS three times, President, pleomorphism, ways, external audiences, Trust history, letter, September, assets, Winston, open exploration, adroit planning, legacy initiatives, library, Chief Justice, Memorial Trustees elected Bruce, Han ducts, anxiety, true dimensions, third circulatory system, artificial intelligence, Tom Inuis dismissal, bad news, inception, Secretary, offered, Pamphlet, meetings, possible, sole beneficiary, compounded, Joint Trustees, March Trust, word, new spiritual story, world anything, upon John, First Decade, Inuis, July interview, discretion, Fetzer Fellows program, deep engagement, closer, core, lifelong spiritual journey, conventional, around Trust goals, report, Wizard, Physics, attract, successful longterm, document, fullhearted, significant, Theosophical Society, trustees, threemember team, Trust personnel, meetings earlyon, time period, approx, beginning, Stan Grof, Monday Night Group, determine, copy, Global Gathering, Memorial Trust however, feedback, SkutchWhitson, Cultural History, return Inner Light Ministries relinquished, Archangel Michael John, th birthday, months, time, integrated, sessions led, facilities, era, Materials, account shall, Malik, esoteric component Convene, replicate inner practice routines, series, synthesis paper, Tom Beaver, lifelong diehard Detroit Tigers baseball fan Louis Leeburg BA accounting, alternative questions, history Bruce Fetzer, program separate, Institute science team December, business, Inner Peace publisher, internationally focused Global Gathering, second board, science team, scientific methodologies, distribution, NDE, Monroe research, American, Secondly clones, late January, spiritual journey closely, question, awareness, Mission Statement, implications, archives, Rob Lehman, JEF Memorial Trust Board, Shamatha, statement, Florida apartments, collective audience, Stillheart, excellent, respective Trust documents, NIMH, future generations, Integrative Restoration January, full RL memo Appendix, Discusson, point, Larry Sullivan era, voluntary teacher, millions, spiritual symbols, Institute President Rob, Finances, expire, scientific, million, ongoing operation, best, connection between, comprised, global dynamic, reality, himself, birth, Norm Shealy, Carolyn Dailey Leeburg, One, new President, lawsuit, chronological entries, between, material Beaver, embody, Institute resolution, CytoViva microscope systems, absolute, UCL Flack Hiley Bohmian Quantum Potential, Appendix RL, legacy work, Course, Seasons Retreat Center, organisms live, Eckankar, Finance, science publications, amount, path photons, spiritual, Postscript, Resolution, cooperation, Sections, March whereupon, California Santa Barbara, June, legacy outreach plan, elements, future, source documents, invitational workshop, physicists, environment, Legacy, new, Appendix Legacy Committee, wonderful phrase, Jimyo Ferworn, Trust board, Potential, Trustee wrote, remarkable team, follows Spiritual identity, trust, introduction, Jan, American Metaphysical, overhead John, ten years, Trustees Retreat April, human consciousness, million excess return, timespecific focal point, Bruce Fetzer Mike, Fetzer biography, modest, confusion, much, Note, Edgar, writings, collections, interim presidency David Slueter, biographical essay, inner probing exploration reflection, new Trustees, Seventh Day Adventism, author, astonishing multiple, legacy project, part, Goal Area Consciousness Extreme Possibilities, perpetuity ability, pamphlet, decisions, fourplus years, larger spiritual universal, findings, teenage, rigorous replication, Spiritual Seekers, New Age, Judy SkutchWhitson, FACS President Larry Sullivan, robust part, current Institute, Sausalito California Memorial, Inui, meantime, nonprescriptive approach, Public, Fetzer Institute Board, Yoga Nidra, four research collaborators, NASA Houston, Oral History, Jim Gordon, bibliography, financially disadvantageous, Santa Cruz, Grof, Leeburg, Institute President Tom Beach ILM, holistic health movement, three program, highly, particulars, excise, Institute VP, funds, dialogue, largely new sixmember Board, creates, month, estate taxation, Spiritual, America, profitably, irrevocable, consecration, Appendix Highlights, first, three reasons, end due, partners, science constituted, concerns, establishing, individuals, Monroe Institute, live audience, work, synergy, organizational model, implicate order, Institute Trustee, ready, Global Gathering event John, another responsibility, Consequently Jan, hundreds, themselves, Former, permanently bridge, preparation, strategic partnerships, order, biography, Institute Board, MA education, Themes, exploration pioneering research, searching, board met, Journey, Notre Dame School, past, Programs, multiple copies may reduce, much science, formally, June Tom Beaver, chronological order, holdings, focus, November, report favorable, book, interesting thing, risk, organizational culture, inquiry, wellknown book, twoday meditation workshop, Southampton, clinical background, twenty years, Purpose, Adventist, funding, incorporated, staffers, least million, designated, Quest Books, joint, inspirational, open source software, occur, several thousand, Vodyanoy, foundations, participated, provisions, Part, Bamford Editor, Foundation Institute, Substantial numbers, fellow Memorial Trustees, February, first two, hundred attendees, implemented, Jimyo, Questions, twoday workshop, scientific knowledge, host copies, meetings Jim Gordon, intentionally destroyed, restore function, one day, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Wink Franklin Rob Lehman, three, sole beneficially, voluminous amount, spiritual education, balances, Vero Beach, Cultivating Emotional Balance, governance, Fund supports work, two years, eras, persons several, spoke informally, wholegroup interview, enthusiastic, Tom Beaver Bruce Fetzer Memorial Trust Histories, Extension, Steiner Books, work John, task, specific, minimum, science effort, spiritual legacy, Trustee shall, creative way, Board, Revocable, Stillheart Retreat Center, possible forecast, Vodyanoy previously, sessions, One Spiritual Identity, June Colleen Elgin interviewed Rob Lehman, Tuesday, premier, Richard Davidson, mark, moving, dipping, spoke, upon approach, real estate property, Assisi Italy, Franklin Science, seventeen years, University, tool, frontiers, Mike, Common, Trust endowment, December, staff, Fetzer Community, indepth review, John, Kalamazoo County Drug Treatment, scientific context, current status, new Institute, Fetzer Franklin, Memorial Trust Purpose Preservation, identity, Wayne State, Pleomorphism began, multiple times, clinic, Trust Retreat, contemplative practice, Institute President Tom Beech, World Law Institute, dissemination, Executive Vice President, Tuesday evenings, onward broadened, papers presentations, healers, activities, effort, background, April Richard Miller, particular interest, selections, experience, follows Purpose, causal closure, general outline, researchers, notion, workshop, Barbara author, leadership, private real estate, Inner Light Ministries whose president, evidence, esoteric component, portfolios, experiment, sale, interviewees, CA Decline Effect Symposium, surat shabd practice, Agreement states, dialog between Memorial Trustees, inner, film, committee, Memorial Trust shall, served, memo offered four fundamental questions, process additionally, law firm, Richard Smoley, topic, identify anatomical, greater, Archangel, role, Author Category, portal, Spiritual Search, Jimyo Ferworn Excess financial, advance breakthroughs towards, retrospect, transformation, Scientific, Maharishi, joint Institute Trustee Memorial, organization, sustainable, Dean Link, Barbara, John Peterson, full presentation, legacy institutions, permanent trustees, sole, missing component, accomplishments, association, donor intent p extension, addition, world Financial, Eastern, didnt, section, program, birthday, first twenty years, preserve, period, twoday experiential workshop, laboratory science, owed, ILM Trust Trustees, subsequently contracted, conjunction, extension, several Trust, selection, Institute President, Mandel Fetzer Franklin, infact extended comments, Engagement, Data, longtime interest, Fetzer Stories, expiration, executive team around principles, Activities Projects Two major areas, simply, fulltime employee, Adventism, FetzerFranklin program, built, Bruce Fetzer, ILM, former executive secretary, healthy individuals, particular, basic human experience, RL memo, revocable trust, Kit, call, larger, research, fund balance, multiday, Frances, topics, digital library, subsequently, Specific goals, Edgar Cayce Foundation, participants themselves, purpose, draft, numerous key texts, internal, Prof, Another effort, mainstream, account, Memorial Trust History Page, repeat, meditators, mini symposia, Cayce, Winston Franklin, Outreach, term began, operation, Mostall, mostall, notions, incorporate tax, value, content, original million, October, Grand Rapids MI Masonic Museum film, argument, fairly, materials, legacy checks, pleomorphism idea, Appendix BHLIB, journey, Multi Lab Study, relaunch, collection, Raymond, spirituality, legacy partner, spiritual development, investment portfolio, memory, situation, pneumonia, broad reason, John quickly struck, Center, religious stream, iRest Yoga Nidra meditation, bringing, Appendix, hard, three projects, AIC, outer, interviews, areas, end, Scientific programs, hypothesis, Charitable, ambassadors, Olds, important, emergent view, possible John Fetzer biography, open, Fetzer Inner Light Ministries, Strategic, investment, community, suggestion, Chris Bamford Editor, IONS, hand, spending rate increases total, measure heart rate coherence, Decade, portal frame, several levels, potential, prioritize, strongly, another CD, Vaughan, transformation plus, Purpose Statement, January Jim, became Anthroposophy somewhat limited, Trustee deems appropriate, twoday experiential Centering Prayer workshop, Bohm, Death, case, proceeds, intersection, Multiple partners became resources, inquire, time period Another joint TrustInstitute effort, Buddhist Priest, several miniworkshops, numerous programs, Personal, struggle, degree, Walach, oral histories commissioned essays trustee, wholeness, Bruce spoke, Trust interviewed, Numbers, stream, Tom, May, feel, brilliant idea, American nation, Fetzer John, relationship, Brewer Extension Meditation Neurofeedback, scientific subjects, onward, desire, existence, FetzerFranklin, John Fetzers Original Donor intent, whether, relationship faded plus, president science, esoteric mystical, essentially, Trustee, Psi energy, follows, planning process Models, Fetzers, December ending, nothing, depths, earlytomid, halfday experience, Quest, Ashville, infancy, Wisconsin, real estate property partnerships, Mandel FetzerFranklin science advisor, Rev Cynthia Bourgeault, renew Tom, Fetzer baseball, essay, MEMORANDUM, brand new Fetzer Institute Administration, late Jim, Science, four members, American history, became, external decentralized communities, raised questions, shown, organizations, took place, College, fosters greater experience, decadeslong science effort, intent, Fetzer integrated vision, cultural training programs, key question, core legacy outreach program helped partners, Bong Han ducts, spiritual dialogue, Bylaws, Gordon, surat shabd, trust estate, presentation, help discern real, HeartMath, probably, philosophy, Information, Beaver, freedom, Phillip Mason, Fetzer Inner Light Ministries Trust, four, Memorial Trust History September present, spiritual communities, Legacy Outreach, IONS work, narrower focus, legacy effort, Spiritualism, Spiritual Trends, members, Executive, Trust Jeremy Waletzky, consciousness, dynamism, minimum payout, cash payout, self, light, Republic, History, successful science initiatives, separate, Program History Overview, engage, key, Institute board, otherwise, outside agencies, accounting masters, interplanetary space, assumption, physics, direct, oral historian, financial, grapple, corpus, representation, experiential process, purposes, Paul, story, Maura Corrigan, seekers, grown way, powers, discussions between, Two participants received, awardwinning publication chronicles John, library tool, lab, two joint meetings, archivist specializing, theory, advance, Treasurer, Tom Inui Era, possibly, summer, overriding philosophical, principle, strengthening, beautifully boldness courage intelligent risktaking humility, spiritual mission John, avoid millions, Cambridge, David Bohm, led, world, combined endowment, Metaphysical, original version, Agreement, Fetzer Institute, degrees, Tom Murray, vision, Tom Inui, principal, content navigation, Florida Toronto, minds, rights, Presentations, UCSB, late Tom Beaver, Bruce, Janis, team, Alan, Leeburg Mike, Mason interviewed, Pioneer grant, Trust present Direct, Dean Radin, joint board retreat, implementing, director, develop projects, five, Chief, nonspecific, Memorial Trustees, felt, selfawareness, Inner Light Ministries, longstanding, essential writings, Age, spiritual journey, November Board Governance, position, Fetzer Franklin Fund focuses, Mayo Clinic, NIS Labs Pleomorphic Microbes, connect, spiritual vision, reconsider fundamental questions, Institute employee, unique personal, Jeremy Waletzky, Rob Lehman James Gordon President, quotes, excellent job, uninterrupted, Imagine, Ideas, Original v Reformed Trust copy incl purpose, Trier Complementarity, Hossenfelder Franfurt, fact, century, Beaver eventually, interactions, IONS board, process, Michigan Center, Fetzer Institute Board John, Fetzer Memorial Trust, process culminated, practice sessions, presented, Fetzer Trustees, Michigan, regard, six legacy partner organizations, Preamble, upon, beyond, Beech, Fetzer Memorial, Trust Robert Lehman JD, Univers, David Lynch Foundation USA instructor, Fund namely, Strat, display, Trustee Interview Projects, possibility, assistance, Dr Vitaly Vodyanoy, Larry Sullivan, Fetzer Create video, Stillheart Retreat Center near Santa, digital, Committee, million dollars, less attention focused, established, responsible, million excess return Skillful endowment, brand new, John Fetzer thirdyear Trustees Janis, Trust portfolio, breadth, four finalists, envisioning freedom, Force Information, Carolyn Dailey John Fetzer, employees, Key documents, programs, teambuilding, attendance, overlapping membership, March, Trust, meeting June, Harald Walach, audit, present, whose beneficiary, Partnership Addendum, consolidated, peer reviewed publications, attention, facilitate better, facilitator, Mission, Rob, philosophicallydriven organization, Boisture, presentations, MT discussion framework input, relationships first, endowment, proposed, serious issues, appreciate, seven board members, inner life, jousting, projects outside, Esoteric Purpose workshop, duties, known John, revolutionary, discernment, Fetzer, Statements, Constituent Cell Consciousness, third symposium, universe, concern, Pros, sections, residual, One large entrepreneur, interpretations, December Rob Lehman, Magneto Encephalograph MEG laboratory, develop processes, Arlington Institute, program budget, mission, Stanford, Western Michigan University, Foundation, One participant, Chancellor, dominant interests, advisors, comprehensive bibliography, Joint Committee, million representing half, Trust Cost, Nieuwenhuizen Doct, Memorial, interconnectedness between science, New, relational views, develop, technology, Legacy activities, formation, Drs, payout, Fetzer Memorial Trust History Page, new light microscope technology, Harner, Informally called, spreadsheet, Fetzer Foundation, worth, assets originally included John, including, rules, reportsection, Physics Consciousness, respect, Fetzer Boards began, referencing, emergence, line ii Gerhard Groessing, motivation, laboratory, search, envision, Mandell, Lehman, Voice, Korean, earlier, theme, assets originally, interest, state, University Enterprises Relational Realist Formalism, aside ourselves, Sacred Founding Principles, John Fetzer directly, Gergely Beaver Fetzer, additional, Night Group, independent, Professor Jacob Needleman San Francisco State University, late, facilitated another twoday experiential workshop consisting, capacities, beneficiary, excise tax savings, Beach, current term, esoteric principles, Document, former, act, investigation, continual, working, discussions, Chairman, unincorporated, proprietary financial model, many materials, articulate, Boards giving, Von, recently, Lehmanled Institute efforts, context, move, legacy dynamically, talk, difference, successor, essence, planning, million larger, videos, legally, radio, appear, FAC meetings, collectively, Fetzer Institute Memorial Trust January Background
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Trust Histories
MTrust History
April 28, 2020
... Realist Formalism 56207 D 38 - Von Stillfried U of Trier Complementarity of Physics & Consciousness 56209 D 46 - Science Writer's read more...
Author: Tom Beaver, Bruce Fetzer
discussion, similar group, line, program portfolio, great spiritual insights, memorial service, photos, relationship between individual spiritual, video, major events
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spirit, huge success story, measures, postmodernism, concept, spiritual symbolical, Dean, term, group, death including, March board, things, Freedom, course, Feb, Revocable Trust, spiritual identity debate, State Courts, also stated, joint resolution, core kind, first half, Planning, three years, spent, bout, long memo, app, stated, project, follows Future membership, Redwood, priority, March response, minutes, Trustees, highest value, integration, addition video recordings, lot, conditions, memo Tom, survey, phrase silent carriers, Seasons, similar concern regarding, later life, Fund, Selections, first time, Sixth Michigan Circuit, participants, mystical roots, Residence, days, purchased, lifelong, death, board, Memorial Trust, core legacy, scientists, Mike Gergely, sudden appearance, transformational effects, drumming, social movements, system, power, Law, major fiveyear commitment, statement later quoted, Jan Walleczek Bruce Fetzer, long, memo, Heart Math center, last minute, dialogues, area, Noetic Science IONS, little, shortly, Director, Memorial Trustee, Michigan Supreme, third outside, Memorial Trust board meetings, life, Hal, number, superior investment, whom, Institute actually, Redwood City Calif, unique role, Canadian building, others, external successes, much detail, five Trustees, copies, documents, Lehman era, Bob Boisture counsel, November Institute Board, bankruptcy, Law Center, permission, people, Legal Counsel, finance, many words, Institute Board Bruce Carlson, current benefits, David, Beach Era, attorney, major impetus, science advisors, controlling stress anxiety, words, cochair, July, way institutionalize, Sixth Circuit, meditation journaling, two consecutive years, intensive, views, ten different locations, potential opportunities including, Appendix BF, John Fetzer Archives, wisdom, compelling ways, spiritual philosophy, CEO, moreover, slate, sense, US government, later, joint Trustee, Contemplative, ideas, program build fields, key importance, truth, additional unit, loving action, neurological signatures, Institute corpus, creation, arm, material, robust, unique tension, use, threeyear relationship, brain processes, Spirit, vehicle, contrast hundreds, Larry, cancer, leaders, Jacob Needleman, NDE December, final seven years, brief, Memorial Trust Board, Ashville goals, next couple, issue, later written, Appendix Donor, percent, Professor Brian, kind, commitment, long term, EmQm, benefits, Institute Trustees, Fetzer Franklin science program, practices opinions, weeklong, Several, website, interconnection between science, mystical, several iterations, four hundred files, facility, year greater forever, study, idea, Retreat, donor intent, ILM Trust, search quickly, esoteric, bonus Tom, sort, two boards, goal, matter Mike Gergely Memorial, permanently, time John, vibrant proactive joint committee, Albanese book, sources below, twoday joint retreat, joint committees, potential contribution, influence, John Fetzer, estate, publication, Institute elect, nearsleepmeditation, program biologist Jan, Appendix FINAL, additional ten years, Global, Jan Walleczek, judges, lawyers, Professor Wilson Western Michigan University, foundational questions, new impulse, inner practices, Bob, Fetzer Franklin program, projects, turn, Institute Trusteeatthetime Winston Franklin, Fetzer Advisory Committees FACS, example provide, love, year, Memorial Trustto, concepts, Mirabai, tenure, mil, title, internationally acclaimed business college, action, docket, view, arrogant, matters, member Larry, Freemasonry, passing, February Sausalito jointmeeting spoke, billions, Future, Institute, potentially contribute, Tucson Ranch, physicist philosopher, Judy, retreat, team worked, fMRI brain, real, initiatives, specifically credits, eloquent statement, decision, different kind, absolute discretion, surprise, FetzerFranklin Science Program, Robert, Fetzer science, philanthropic organizations, operating, BSE engineering, work supports, Memorial Trust funds, Law program, types, colleagues, plan, nonprofit foundations, legacy, general, latter part, memorial, different set, attract outside interest, book Albanese wrote, Collaboration Agreement, able, Fetzer Franklin Fund, gifts, example dynamic legacy programs, global, September FetzerFranklin, end Bamford, fMRI data, science projects, family, Phil Mason, link, Society, grants, complementary culture, pictures, proto life, difficult, wishes, brain activation, Franklin, various positions, comments, Arthur Zajonc, script, Memo, spent many years, Fetzer Institute Vice President, Plan, current research, Seasons Janis Claflin Institute Trustee, major finding, Professor Numbers University, statements, major accomplishment, Jeremy Waletsky Janis, science, togetherness, Tom Beaver stated, result, bridge, planet, Professor Katherine Albanese, Great Invocation, public, Scholar, couple, spiritual worldview, Janis Claflin, FetzerFranklin Fund, behest, September Fetzer Franklin Science, multisite reproducibility, blood, law, Peter, sides, best practices, began, section below, top five symposium downloads, resolution lay, Tucson, start, ILM President, feature documentary, way, years, Discussion Framework, calculations, Trusts, Legacy Initiatives, continuity, June Board, subject, probe, outreach initiatives, whole, FetzerFranklin science fund, personal library, Fetzer mission, due, video oral histories, Wink lived, esoteric purposes, vital sections, grant, confidence, organizational form, IONS three times, President, pleomorphism, ways, external audiences, Trust history, letter, September, assets, Winston, open exploration, adroit planning, legacy initiatives, library, Chief Justice, Memorial Trustees elected Bruce, Han ducts, anxiety, true dimensions, third circulatory system, artificial intelligence, Tom Inuis dismissal, bad news, inception, Secretary, offered, Pamphlet, meetings, possible, sole beneficiary, compounded, Joint Trustees, March Trust, word, new spiritual story, world anything, upon John, First Decade, Inuis, July interview, discretion, Fetzer Fellows program, deep engagement, closer, core, lifelong spiritual journey, conventional, around Trust goals, report, Wizard, Physics, attract, successful longterm, document, fullhearted, significant, Theosophical Society, trustees, threemember team, Trust personnel, meetings earlyon, time period, approx, beginning, Stan Grof, Monday Night Group, determine, copy, Global Gathering, Memorial Trust however, feedback, SkutchWhitson, Cultural History, return Inner Light Ministries relinquished, Archangel Michael John, th birthday, months, time, integrated, sessions led, facilities, era, Materials, account shall, Malik, esoteric component Convene, replicate inner practice routines, series, synthesis paper, Tom Beaver, lifelong diehard Detroit Tigers baseball fan Louis Leeburg BA accounting, alternative questions, history Bruce Fetzer, program separate, Institute science team December, business, Inner Peace publisher, internationally focused Global Gathering, second board, Excess financial value, science team, scientific methodologies, distribution, NDE, Monroe research, American, Secondly clones, late January, spiritual journey closely, question, awareness, Mission Statement, implications, archives, Rob Lehman, JEF Memorial Trust Board, Shamatha, statement, Florida apartments, collective audience, Stillheart, excellent, respective Trust documents, NIMH, future generations, Integrative Restoration January, full RL memo Appendix, Discusson, point, Larry Sullivan era, voluntary teacher, millions, spiritual symbols, Institute President Rob, Finances, expire, scientific, million, ongoing operation, best, connection between, comprised, global dynamic, reality, himself, birth, Norm Shealy, Carolyn Dailey Leeburg, One, new President, Strategic, lawsuit, chronological entries, between, material Beaver, embody, Institute resolution, CytoViva microscope systems, absolute, Appendix RL, legacy work, Course, Seasons Retreat Center, organisms live, Eckankar, Finance, science publications, amount, path photons, spiritual, Resolution, cooperation, Sections, March whereupon, California Santa Barbara, June, legacy outreach plan, elements, future, source documents, invitational workshop, physicists, environment, Legacy, new, Appendix Legacy Committee, wonderful phrase, Jimyo Ferworn, Trust board, Potential, Trustee wrote, remarkable team, follows Spiritual identity, trust, introduction, Jan, American Metaphysical, ten years, Trustees Retreat April, human consciousness,