... for John on people, on the Institute you know, the whole thing, the gamut of things. So, John had Alice Bailey books ... that, to be receptive to that, as a group. You know the whole Theosophical thing with Alice Bailey was, it took a group, read more...

... John talk about it with me. Individually, I have to be whole and aware of myself. That's a body-mind-spirit approach ... same situation. So that's an example of community. So the whole idea here is, is that to create alignment around a read more...

... for the trust. And I think also ... [there was the] ‘whole science’ in the Fetzer-Franklin Fund that we developed. ... and Integral Practice, Leadership, Philanthropy, Whole Science), plus the Institute’s efforts in the creation of read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... nature. And so, that's what John was always about. And his whole story was a story of how he peeled off the layers himself, ... that approach is just one such approach, um, but the whole purpose and the vision never changed, which is awakening read more...

... as long as 20 years to develop when you're trying to grow a whole field of study, there's a long-term commitment that's ... I use that for my own personal development is key to this whole process. Collectively, something special happens, and I'd read more...


... must be understood. You’re going to find practically in the whole history of my life that I’ve been searching and ... of a search. As a human life, searching involves the whole person, body, soul, and spirit. It is multileveled: psycho read more...